How To Move From Quantity To Quality In All Aspects Of Your Life

Tell me if this sounds familiar - you're trucking along in life, things aren't “great” but they're not terrible either. Yet somehow, you begin to feel the inklings of doubt moving into your consciousness. Am I living the life that I want? Am I in the right career? Am I in the right relationship? Do I need to travel more? Should I move? What is my PURPOSE on this earth?!

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6 Steps For When You Are About To Lose Your Sh#t

Anger is a powerful energetic state. It is a deeply unsettling place to be, and it can be harmful to ourselves (my big toe can attest to this fact) and the people around us. For every instance of uncontrolled anger/violent thoughts we are more likely to repeat it and run the risk of creating an unhealthy response pattern.The following 6 steps are for when we are “white hot”, “seeing red”, “about to blow”, “extremely irritated” or any other varying degree of disturbance. 

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Wild Meditations in Life

What is “Wild Meditations” you ask? You take regular meditation - a mental state of one pointed awareness- and you add a twist of the mystical energy of which every atom in this universe is made of.

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Nicole Harrow